Have you wanted to take a unique or adventurous holiday but been a little apprehensive about taking kids? There have been a few destinations that we have questioned.

“Is Andi the right age?”
“do we have enough time to get the most out of it”
“Can we afford it”

In general there hasn’t been a place we have permanently scored off our list, perhaps, just moved it further down the list. We hope this blog will bring inspiration, tips and ideas to plan your own family adventure, with everything from unique itineraries, the best gear to travel with to how to make those journeys possible being clever with credit cards and loyalty programs.

There is never a perfect age for an itinerary,

but there is an perfect itinerary for every age

Living as expats for almost 20 years means that we have a few tricks up our sleeves when it comes to booking the necessarily large volumes of flights we have taken over the years to return home, as well as being incredibly practical and resourceful with packing!

About Us

We are a expat family of 3 currently living off the cost of Honduras on the Caribbean Island of Roatan. Our individual passion for travel brought us separately to Roatan where we meet, got married, had Andi and have built 2 successful businesses. Surprisingly, we had mutual friends from the UK! Andi “danger” Welbourn inherited the adventurous spirit from us and is the perfect sidekick on our trips.

Behind the avocado atlas


Having tested the London life (a couple of times), in 2005 he decided it wasn’t for him and left on a trip with the purpose of learning Spanish ( we both speak very different forms of Spanish!). Having backpacked a little through Central America, he stopped to do his PADI Dive Master on Roatan and it quickly became his home. Almost 20 years later he is now the top PADI course Director in Honduras, having trained more people to become PADI Dive Instructors then anyone else in the region through his business GoProCaribbean. He is the driving force behind the FINTECH info on the website and the reason why we can afford to take these fantastic trips. Favorite trip – hard to choose, but anything that involves camping.

Will's favorite meal out-campfire cooking


That’s me! Growing up as an expat in Africa and the Middle East, my sense of adventure has always been a big part of me. So much so, that it influenced my chosen career path at university and I had the idea that a degree in Marine Biology would take me to exotic and wonderful locations. Indirectly, it has. I gave up on that career just over 10 years ago when we opened the restaurant Roatan Oasis. The evolution of the restaurant and the success and reputation we have built has us always grateful. After 10 years, the business runs smoothly and to the level we are happy with meaning it is giving me time to take on this blog as a new project. Favorite Place – Anywhere Africa



Pretty sure every parent says this- we got really lucky! Andi is an amazing daughter and her ability to go with the flow is so valuable when we travel. We are lucky to have an amazing school closes to where we live which she loves, and when weekends are spent on the beach, the golf course or at the brewery, she is a pretty happy child! Favorite Place (so far) – Colorado

Our Fur Kids

There are 4 more family members I should really introduce. Digby, Dyson, Rusty and Dexter, our 4 large and playful dogs are not only loving pets, they also provide amazing security for us.